[25] SEO is the Key to Gaining Blog Traffic

SEO stands for search engine optimization and can be very useful for blogs and websites. A blog having good SEO has a better chance of achieving a high index with Google. Having your blog appear highly on Google greatly increases your blog traffic. Here are some tips on increasing SEO for your blog.
Killer Content
Writing good content tells Google and other search engines that you are original. This is becoming more and more relevant to Google. When writing posts on your blog, make sure that they are original and well thought out. I would also recommend writing a new post almost every day. This gives your blog some consistency and shows your viewers that you are committed to your blog.
Meta Tags
Meta Tags show your Google what your blog is about. Although meta tags are becoming less and less relevant with Google it is still helpful to include them in your blog / website.
Post Title : Very Important
The post title of your blog is very important. It is the first thing that gets noticed when Google crawls your blog. Having a relevant keyword rich title increases the chances that Google will index it for the keywords you are looking for. Do not overlook this key factor to increasing SEO for your blog.
Interlinking your posts can be very helpful to visitors who are navigating your site and to increasing SEO. Google looks at which blogs have your link in them. Linking can be very helpful to your blog but don't over do it.
Want to know moreThere are numerous more tips and techniques to increasing blog traffic and to increasing SEO for your blog. To know more visit http://basicbloggeradvice.blogspot.com.
Joe SoderlundAdvice, tips and tricks for bloggershttp://basicbloggeradvice.blogspot.com/
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joe_Soderlund

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